Monday, May 4, 2015

Is LR6 a beta?

As a side note, I think LR 6 is really what used to be called a beta. Here is a trace with a Windows debug utility. Clearly, Adobe is worried about startup times. In the past, this kind of stuff was spat out by the beta builds but not by the release

[11192] ==============================>It took 0.063054382801056 (0.064055979251862 overhead) to make maybeMakeScrollableAdjustmentsPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0 (0 overhead) to make makeDevelopOpenNegativeDebugPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0 (0 overhead) to make makeDevelopRenderingDebugPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.01000964641571 (0.01000964641571 overhead) to make makeBasicPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.0040031671524048 (0.0040031671524048 overhead) to make makeToneCurvePanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0 (0 overhead) to make makeAdjustmentsPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.0020016431808472 (0.0020016431808472 overhead) to make makeSplitToningPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.0060063600540161 (0.0060063600540161 overhead) to make makeDetailPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.00900799036026 (0.00900799036026 overhead) to make makeLensCorrectionPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.0040032267570496 (0.0040032267570496 overhead) to make makeEffectsPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.0030031800270081 (0.0030031800270081 overhead) to make makeCameraCalibrationPanel
[11192] L:
[11192] ==============================>It took 0.00099998712539673 (0.00099998712539673 overhead) to make makeSyncResetButtons

When perfectionism kills timelines

OK, on the computer crash...long story, but fixed it. turns out, my 12 year old had the right idea - the USB 3.0 drivers on my old motherboard couldn't take some newer hardware. Learned a lot, cursed a lot.

On Paddy, weeeellll......there was the simple way. LR6 is not that different from LR5. Had I kept that long startup process, updated all the indices for the Paddy sliders, I would have been fine. Now, I went down a route to make this all much more flexible. It's a bit idiotic, really. But remember, I am in it for the challenge of programming....So, I am in the swamp right now. Deep. Revisiting old routines and wondering "what did I do there". Not good. But fun.

So, here is where we are

  • The good news: This will be a good update. It will work ultimately, and for those who do not use Midi, the startup will be much faster if you are willing to have the panels pop up on first use. (Sending the Midi values still requires opening the panels first)
  • The bad news: This will take time. As in, it will take weeks. I apologize, but you knew what you were getting into 

As a general note - LR 6 is really not that impressive from a photography point. I like the brush in the filter, but that's about it. I have 50k plus personal pics tagged with names (family archive back to the 1930s - hobby), and the face recognition doesn't really help that much. The assignments I have have don't require face recognition.  I like the Auto-angle for my landscape stuff, but I survived without it. Overall, if I didn't have CC, I probably wouldn't buy LR 6.

So, recommendation if your high throughout workflow relies on Paddy: Stay with 5.x until this one is stable. LR 6 ain't worth the curses if you were able to make your income with LR 5.x