Saturday, August 31, 2013

Paddy 5.2 - where are we

After a crazy summer with no time on Paddy, a quick update. Essentially, three points

  • If I only support LR5 going forward, Paddy Startup is much faster. MUCH faster
  • LR 5.2 is still in in RC, with new sliders etc
  • Between RC and actual release, enough things change in the background that it's a lot of work to support RC and new version

So, as soon as LR 5.2 is out as release, I will update Paddy to have a fast start and work with 5.2, but not 5.0 or LR4.x any more (old version will be available)

I know this is not ideal, but life has a habit of interfering with hobbies


  1. that sounds reasonable, thanks for your work.

  2. Thanks for your hard work. I haven't upgraded to Lightroom 5 solely because it won't work work Paddy! Please hurry :-).

  3. Very good news. Can't wait for the update! Thanks!

  4. LR 5.2 final is out..

  5. Thanks for all your hard work on this! Adobe had some pretty big bugs with 5.0 (output sharpening didn't work on smaller images) so I can't wait to upgrade to 5.2 once you have this out!

  6. IS there any point me trying out the last beta of Paddy for LR 5.2? If so where do I find it?
    Or is there a new version imminently?

    1. As far as I know, there isn't a beta for LR5.2.
