Ok, it's cold outside, and despite travel every week across the continent or the Atlantic, we have life back under control. Moved in new house, kids are in a new school and therapy rythm - time to pick it up again with Paddy!
- If you are interested in helping with programming, the code is now hosted and you can run from the source. See here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/paddy/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=685
- I found one of the major hikups in the startup. If Paddy for you is constantly a few sliders of, try (1) start Paddy in suspended mode, (2) Open and close the Crop tool, (3) Start Paddy. I know this is dumb, but it seems to be a workaround until we find a solution
- Working on that solution and a few other things.
- Due to the long break, I might have to lock some topics and get a good bug reporting going again. I apologize - lots of discussion, but too much to go back, and 80% boild down to the issue under (2)
When LR 5.3 is Prime, I will push out the next update