Saturday, November 30, 2013

What's new

Ok, it's cold outside, and despite travel every week across the continent or the Atlantic, we have life back under control. Moved in new house, kids are in a new school and therapy rythm - time to pick it up again with Paddy!

  1. If you are interested in helping with programming, the code is now hosted and you can run from the source. See here:
  2. I found one of the major hikups in the startup. If Paddy for you is constantly a few sliders of, try (1) start Paddy in suspended mode, (2) Open and close the Crop tool, (3) Start Paddy. I know this is dumb, but it seems to be a workaround until we find a solution
  3. Working on that solution and a few other things.
  4. Due to the long break, I might have to lock some topics and get a good bug reporting going again. I apologize - lots of discussion, but too much to go back, and 80% boild down to the issue under (2)

When LR 5.3 is Prime, I will push out the next update


  1. Not sure what you mean "If Paddy for you is constantly a few sliders of,"

    I am not using Paddy until i hear more news on new versions. It's so frustrating at the moment starting slow and then freezing.
    I hope to hear some good news soon.
    I am glad your personal life is more sorted now....

  2. Glad to hear things are moving along! Apart from the annoying start-up issue and a few settings not working, it is working just fine for me in 5.2. Granted, my depth of use is more limited than many, quite likely, but I do use it in my editing nearly every day of the week. Keep up the good work!

  3. Any estimates for remaining time before releasing a new version for LR53 ?
    Is there anything we as a community can do to speed up the process ?

  4. Rooting for you! I'd love to have it working again (hasn't been so good for me after LR4). Good luck!

  5. "When LR 5.3 is Prime, I will push out the next update"

    Any news PLEASSEEE! Dorf????

  6. I just discovered Paddy and I would like to buy a Novation Nocturn to get started, but the lack of software development has scared me off for now.

    When should we expect full support for LR 5.3 (or various other Lightroom CC updates)?

  7. I have Paddy with Novation Nocturn running under LR5.3 with no issues. Most problems that users have are due to a slow LR startup, and can be mitigated by having Paddy start in suspended mode (and then start Paddy independently)

  8. "start in suspended mode (and then start Paddy independently)"

    How exactly do we do this?

  9. Also question about suspended mode. I have option to mark to start paddy in "standby mode" from the Behaviour tab.
    However, when I mark that option, paddy still runs as soon as LR is up and running. I didn't find that option to run lightroom without paddy, and then open Crop etc.

  10. Any word on "official" LR 5.3 support? Paddy is essential for me, been using for a LONG time. Would love to keep this going.

  11. I found it works with LR 5.3 a treat! Thanks for your hard work!

  12. What's the current status of that project! Now the saisonal time is coming and LR will be used heavenly. I am looking forward to get a functual PADDY version for my LR 5.x

  13. i just updated from LR 5.2 to 5.4 and all sliders work fine!! Best plugin ever! :)

    1. Well, all worked fine for few days, again same sliders problem appeared :(

  14. I had this working with a G13 and a BCF7000 brilliantly but now with the upgrade to 5.4 I get nothing at all, paddy doesn't seem to load properly. Anyone experiencing this?

    1. When did you start to experience this?
      Which version of LR?

  15. Just came across Paddy and love the concept, using it with a nocturn controler, sadly some mappings are incorrect vignetting amount and others control the wrong sliders, I have run Paddy in safe mode and followed instructions on the forum but I still can't get it to work, please give us an update to work correctly with LR 5 > I would gladly donate if this worked correctly, fingers crossed here ..........

  16. It seems that my BEHRINGER MIDI Controller which I have purchased last year for LR4 (which worked fine on that LR Version) is it no more useable! Very pity!!! I don't think a newer version will be published by Paddy :-((

  17. I honestly think that it is now time the developer took down his Donate button.
    He dowsn;t care about supporting this software anymore.

  18. Ok SO I re-read the originators post and although he still hasn't explained where "suspended" mode is I find that hitting crop tool seems to solve my crashing issue. Lightroom still goes crazy on starting with Paddy but if I hit crop it sorts out.

  19. Hi,

    My Paddy starts to do strange things: top group of controls (brightness, exp., etc) works fine, but lower group doesn't work -- wrong slider is selected: "scale" instead of "distortion" (by 4 steps down), "midpoint" instead of "rotate" (again slider is 4 steps lower), PCV Highlights instead of PCV Amount (4 lower).

    It works and I don't realize when it was broken. Lr5.5 and 5.6.

    1. I have fond the bug by myself. ,)

      I switched the radio under the curve ("click to edit point curve") and 4 sliders were removed from UI but Paddy didn't knew that and got 4-steps shift.
